

Information Technology Services partners with faculty, 员工和学生通过提供创造性的解决方案来利用技术的力量, responsive services and reliable access to an enabling infrastructure.


信息技术服务促进了十大网赌平台的成功,因为它了解社区,并寻求解决方案, 受信任的, and in place as needs arise.

  • Customer Focused Solutions
  • Partnerships and Teamwork
  • 诚信与正直
  • 透明度
  • Disciplined Thought; Disciplined Action
  • Healthy Work Environment
ITS team helping 工作人员

Clark ITS News Letter

一点点地咬一些嚼子 & 字节

位&字节是由信息技术服务出版的时事通讯,并通过电子邮件发送给教职员工.  每期位&字节 contains articles, 提示和技巧, 和资源参考,以帮助您发现十大平台网赌可用的工具和服务的广度, and to help you navigate the ever changing world of information technology.

Organization and Structure


负责资讯科技及资讯科技总监的副校长办公室,是理大企业级资讯科技计划的中央协调机构, including high-level, long-term organizational goals, strategic direction, IT治理, and performance/process management. 该厅还处理诸如资源管理等日常业务问题, 项目管理, cybersecurity and strategy alignment.  透明度 and inclusion in decision making, 规划, 预算, 和日常运作是组成资讯科技事务司的各小组的工作和互动的核心.

行政信息服务处(AIS)是信息技术服务处(ITS)的一个分支。.  AIS为十大网赌平台的教职员工提供行政信息服务方面的技术支持和培训. If you need help with your administrative information system, 打电话或发电子邮件给下面列出的工作人员,他们会很乐意帮助你或帮你找到合适的人.

ATS倡导并支持在教学和学习中深思熟虑地使用技术. This includes faculty consultations, Canvas support, and much more. ATS is located on the 4th floor of the Goddard Library in Suite 407, but our team are always happy to meet you remotely or in your office or classroom.

企业应用维护和提供技术支持的信息系统,服务于员工和学生的管理需要. 这些系统包括企业业务应用程序,如Banner、WordPress、Oracle等.  我们还提供关键系统(如active directory)之间的集成服务, 微软办公软件, and other third party systems like Adirondack (housing), Simplicity (career services) and Slate (admissions application processing), 举几个例子.

除了 to supporting Clark’s enterprise systems, 我们与行政信息服务(AIS)以及组织各层级(部门)的客户合作, 业务单位, cross-functional groups) to identify and implement efficient, cost-effective IT solutions.

Clark的端点团队负责我们社区所需的终端用户技术. This includes design, 收购, 实现, 维护, and securing our employee devices, 计算机实验室, 和打印机. This team also provides third-tier support and software license management.

系统团队维护整个大学所需的后端技术基础设施. 除了 to maintaining Clark’s data centers, AV基础设施, physical security technology and information security, the team also provides researchers the technology they need to succeed, including Clark’s HPC cluster.  Much of the work done here goes unnoticed, but is used by everyone on campus daily.

服务台是支持十大平台网赌社区IT需求的ITS前线, and helping all of our users become more comfortable and fluent using technology. ITS服务台位于戈达德图书馆学术公地的广场层.

媒体服务 coordinates audio visual needs across campus. This includes installing, maintaining and supporting classroom technology, support for campus events and offering equipment loans. The 媒体服务 Office is in Jonas Clark Hall on the Ground Floor, two doors to the right of the main entrance at Red Square.

我们的网络和电信团队支持通信基础设施,使我们的校园协作. This team designs and maintains the copper and fiber infrastructure, 切换, 无线, and voice systems as well as connectivity with external peer networks.

Student 就业 Opportunities


Under the supervision of the Academic Technology and Client Support Services 工作人员, 服务台人员 will: assist students, 教职员工 (in person, 通过电话, 以及通过电子邮件),提出与十大网赌平台计算资源使用有关的问题. 工作人员将为学生排除软件和网络连接问题, 教职员工, and log tickets for all help calls as well as schedule appointments as needed; perform regularly scheduled walk-throughs of the Goddard Library Computing Areas and verify the working order of the computers and printer, replenishing printing supplies as needed; conduct weekly cleaning and 维护 of designated computing areas in the Goddard Library; keep supervisors informed of all issues, 问题, and repairs of cluster equipment. Perform other duties as assigned.


Excellent customer service skills; working knowledge of Windows and/or Mac Operating 系统 hardware, and general knowledge of application software; Experience in Windows and/or MAC troubleshooting; Familiarity with computing resources on campus as well as Internet resources such as news groups, 电子邮件, and the World Wide Web; The ability to take direction and work independently; Strong written and verbal communication skills; Self-motivated; Good time management skills and attention to details.

Apply for this position using 十大网赌平台’s 握手 工作门户.


在媒体服务经理和媒体专家的监督下,媒体服务人员将支持十大网赌平台教师使用视听设备和媒体, 工作人员, 学生及嘉宾. 他们的时间表, deliver and set up AV equipment for classes and events, 为影音系统的最终用户提供一流的支持,包括基本的故障排除和影音系统的日常维护,并提供音频和视频复制和转换服务, 监督/操作活动设备,并可能协助音频/视频制作和安装. Performs other duties as assigned.


合格的候选人将具有出色的客户服务技能和基本的AV设备故障排除技能. 除了, the candidate will possess: proficiency with PC and Mac operating systems, 计算机硬件, and application software; familiarity with computing resources on campus; the ability to lift up to 40 pounds; good time management skills, 注重细节,有能力优先处理多个任务并在截止日期前完成任务.

Apply for this position using 十大网赌平台’s 握手 工作门户.


Under the supervision of the Academic Technology Services,  学术技术人员与教师和学生合作开展项目,以提高教学水平, 学习, and research activities of the University.


The only absolute prerequisites are computer literacy, a strong desire to learn, attention to details; willingness to search for answers on one’s own, a cheerful attitude and a good sense of humor. 学生将能够通过项目团队和特殊培训进一步发展他们的技能. Any skills in the following areas are especially valuable; strong writing skills; Internet research techniques; excellent problem solving skills; HTML, web design or 项目管理; graphic design; JavaScript, Java, 数据库设计.

Apply for this position using 十大网赌平台’s 握手 工作门户.


ITS has many other positions open across the department including in Networking, 系统, Endpoint and Administrative Information Services.

Learn more by searching from ITS on  十大网赌平台’s 握手 工作门户.

Contact Information


  • Monday-Friday: 早上8点到下午5点
    假期: 关闭